Customizing your Calendar View

Although you can choose your calendar view using the drop-down menu below the text field where you copy your calendar link, you can also use URL parameters. There are six main options for choosing what kind of calendar views you want to link to: Month, Week, Day, Year, Event, and Side-by-Side view.

List of Calendar View parameters

With URL parameters you can be more specific with what calendar view you want to link to using the "vw=#" parameter. The "#" in this example is where you will put the code for your calendar view. The potential URL parameters you can use can be found in the table below:

URL Parameter Calendar View
day day display
day1 1 day display
day2 2 day display
day3 3 day display
day4 4 day display
day5 5 day display
day6 6 day display
day7 7 day display
week week display
week1 1 week (column), 7 day display
week2 1 week (column), 5 day display
week5 5 day week display
week7 7 day week display
week20 4 week, 5 day week display
week28 4 week, 7 day week display
week40 8 weeks, 5 day display
week56 8 weeks, 7 day display
month month display
month5 5 day week month display
month7 7 day week month display
year year display
year365 year display with event density
year@ year display with headlines
event event display
event20 20 day event display
event30 30 day event display
event45 45 day event display
event60 60 day event display
event90 90 day event display
event120 120 day event display
sbs 1 day side-by-side view
sbse15 15 day side-by-side view
sbse30 30 day side-by-side view
timeline tag timeline display
tagtimeline7 7 day tag timeline
tagtimeline10 10 day tag timeline
tagtimeline14 14 day tag timeline
tagtimeline30 30 day tag timeline

You can use any of these parameters to add to the end of your calendar link. In the examples below, you will see the normal calendar link highlighted in yellow and the URL parameter in bold.

Note: You can only add one date parameter to your calendar URL.

This example uses the "year" URL parameter.


Code for this example:

This example uses the "event" URL parameter.


Code for this example:

This example uses the "day" URL parameter.


Code for this example:

This example uses the "side-by-side" URL parameter.


Code for this example:

Forcing the Calendar View

There is an occassion where the "vw=#" parameter won't work and that is if you have a browser session where you are already using a different calendar view than the one you want to display in. In this case, you will want to use the "fv=#" parameter which will force the calendar view to the view that you want. See the example below:


Code for this example: