Examples of Embedded Day Scroll Calendars

Most of the changes you'll want to make with your Day Scroll Calendar can be done using the embedding editor screen where you copy the embed code. You can change the number of days that show, your Day Scroll colors, the start date, your calendar size, and more.

In the examples below, we have modified the Day Scrolls using the embedding editor screen. The link to your calendar will be highlighted in yellow and the parts of your embed code that have changed as a result of your modifications will be in bold. In this way you can see how the changes are made to the embed code and you can make the modifications to the code yourself if you so choose.

Day Scroll that starts on a specific day


What the code looks like:

<iframe allowTransparency="true" src="http://www.keepandshare.com/calendar/embed_calendar.php?i=533&style=h&fmt=std&startdate=2014-08-14&n=7&h=&w=&dbc=&hc=&htc=&tbc=&tbtc=&ltc=&ntc=&navicon=caret&fsz=11&nav=y&ac=y&sparse=n&lang=en&ifr=y&frw=&frh=&frs=no" width="100%" height="174px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Day Scroll Calendar showing a certain number of days


What the code looks like:

<iframe allowTransparency="true" src="http://www.keepandshare.com/calendar/embed_calendar.php?i=533&style=h&fmt=std&startdate=&n=4&h=&w=&dbc=&hc=&htc=&tbc=&tbtc=&ltc=&ntc=&navicon=caret&fsz=11&nav=y&ac=y&sparse=n&lang=en&ifr=y&frw=&frh=&frs=no" width="100%" height="174px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Day Scroll with Hidden Empty Days


What the code looks like:

<iframe allowTransparency="true" src="http://www.keepandshare.com/calendar/embed_calendar.php?i=533&style=h&fmt=std&startdate=2011-08-15&n=4&h=&w=&dbc=&hc=&htc=&tbc=&tbtc=&ltc=&ntc=&navicon=caret&fsz=11&nav=y&ac=y&sparse=y&lang=en&ifr=y&frw=&frh=&frs=no" width="100%" height="174px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

If you are having issues with your empty days, please learn more about hiding emtpy days on your Day Scroll calendar.

Vertical Day Scroll Calendar


What the code looks like:

<iframe allowTransparency="true" src="http://www.keepandshare.com/calendar/embed_calendar.php?i=533&style=v&fmt=std&startdate=2011-08-15&n=7&h=&w=&dbc=&hc=&htc=&tbc=&tbtc=&ltc=&ntc=&navicon=caret&fsz=11&nav=y&ac=y&sparse=n&lang=en&ifr=y&frw=&frh=&frs=no" width="274px" height="1200px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Day Scroll in Event Grid view and custom colors

You can also combine any of these customizations in the embedding editor screen for your Day Scroll calendar.


What the code looks like:

<iframe allowTransparency="true" src="http://www.keepandshare.com/calendar/embed_calendar.php?i=533&style=x&fmt=std&startdate=2011-08-15&n=6&h=&w=&dbc=56626B&hc=F07c6c&htc=ffffff&tbc=&tbtc=&ltc=&ntc=&navicon=caret&fsz=11&nav=y&ac=y&sparse=n&lang=en&ifr=y&frw=&frh=&frs=no" width="798px" height="900px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>